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TSE opening session, continuing to fall, falling more than 200 yen, selling to related stocks in China
東証寄り付き 続落、下げ幅200円超 中国関連銘柄に売り

Below is an article about the stocks in Japan continuing to fall.
Scroll down for the original article (Japanese),
language deconstruction, and English translation (translated by me).
Today's word is 意欲 (いよく, motivation).
See if you can find it in the article below.

Useful links for learning Japanese:

Thank you for reading,

Original Article Text (Japanese):
東証寄り付き 続落、下げ幅200円超 中国関連銘柄に売り



Original Article Link

Deconstructing Some of the Language Used in the Article:
東京株式市場 Tokyo stock market
米株式市場 US stock market
投資家 investor
運用 investment, application, operation 
運用リスク うんようリスク investment risk
後退 こうたい retreat
姿勢 stance, posture, attitude
銘柄 めいがら stocks
先行 せんこう preceding, going first
日経平均株価 にっけいへいきんかぶか Nikkei stock average
推移 すいい transition
見極める みきわめる make sure of, identify 見極めたい
雰囲気 ふんいき atmosphere
意欲 いよく motivation
減速 げんそく deceleration 
傾向 けいこう trend, tendancy  
影響 えいきょう influence, effect, impact

English Translation:
TSE opening session, continuing to fall, falling more than 200 yen,
selling to related stocks in China

A fall in the Nikkei stock average via the Tokyo stock market started
from the opening session on the 22nd. The downward trend,
exceeding 200 yen compared to last weekend, dropping about 250 yen cheaper at 22280 yen.
On the US stock market last weekend the US high-tech stocks fell,
and investors changed their stance, retreating from their investments.
The JPX Nikkei index 400 and the TSE stock index (TOPIX) are also declining.

Temporarily lowering to more than 230 yen,
the Nikkei average stock price was cut to 22,300 yen (morning of the 22nd, Chuo Ward, Tokyo),
with the composite index from Shanghai, China,
from the atmosphere of wanting to see the transition,
on the surface, there was a big motivation to bargain.
In the market, "Shanghai's stocks rose once over the weekend,
there was no change in the deceleration trend of China's economy,
the continuation of the weakness of the Chinese stock price is becoming a burden to the Japanese stocks,"
said a domestic securities strategist.
With the abstinence of domestic companies' full-fledged
announcements of financial results for the period from April to September of 2018,
there were selling of stocks resulting from the concern that slowdowns to China,
such as electronic components and machinery, will affect business results.

Kawasaki announced that the downward revision of its full-year
financial results last weekend are significantly lower.
The downs of Rakuten, SOFTBANK and KEYENCE are also noticeable.
Fanuc, TDK and Kyocera are also being sold.
However, Cres Saone which had dropped sharply last weekend rose.
Dentsu and Kikkoman are rising.



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