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China's Steam users exceed 30 million - reports an overseas analyst. Today's word is 地域

China's Steam users exceed 30 million - reports an overseas analyst.

Below is an article about Steam in China and the users reaching over 30 million.
Scroll down for the original article (Japanese), language deconstruction and English translation (translated by me).
Today's word is 地域 (ちいき chiiki), which means area or region.
See if you can find it in the article below.

Useful links for learning Japanese:

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Original Article Text (Japanese):

Niko Partnersのアナリストを務めるDaniel Ahmad氏は、

Ahmad氏は、『DOTA 2』のヒットにより始まった中国におけるSteam需要は、
既に60万本を売り上げた『The Scroll of Taiwu』や、
『Chinese Parents』といった中国語のみサポートするタイトルの大ヒットも例に上げ、

Steamを運営するValveは先日、完美世界(Perfect World)と合同で中国向けSteam「Steam China」を発表していますが、


Deconstructing Some of the Language Used in the Article:
中国 ちゅうごく China 中国語 ちゅうごくご Chinese language 
中国国内 ちゅうごくこくない in china
ユーザー user 
突破 とっぱ break through, breaking through, penetration
海外 かいがい overseas
アナリスト analyst
報告 ほうこく report
務める つとめる serve, work, endeavour
‐氏 Mr./Mrs. etc.
明らかにする あきらかにする to make/become clear 
明らかにしました (past tense of 明らかにする)
による by, according to により (means the same as による, use as a conjunction)
始まる はじまる to begin はじまった (past tense of 始まる)
‐における as for, in regards to
需要 じゅよう demand, request (i.e. demand for a product/service)
ローカライズタイトル localized title
増加 ぞうか increase
地域価格 ちいきかかく national price
導入 どうにゅう introduction, introducing/bringing in
地域特有 ちいきとくゆう region specific
支払い しはらい payment
方法 ほうほう way of, method
対応 たいおう corresponce, support of/for
プレイ不能 プレイふのう non-playable/unplayable etc.
各種タイトル かくしゅタイトル various titles
訳者注 やくしゃちゅう translator's note
直近 ちょっきん near, close
モンスターハンター:ワールド Monster Hunter: World
など etcetera, and what not
成長する せいちょうする to grow, get better, grow up 
成長した (past tense of 成長する) 
先日 せんじつ the other day
取り上げる とりあげる to take/pick up something, 
取り上げた (past tense of 取り上げる)
既に すでに already
売り上げる うりあげる to sell, to earn 
売り上げた (past tense of 売り上げる)
‐のみ only, -specifically
ヒット hit (as in “Mario was a big hit.”) 大ヒット big hit
例に  れいに for example
インディーデベロッパー indie developer
成功 せいこう success, hit
求める もとめる to seek, request, ask 
求め (same meaning as 求める used as a conjunction) 

English Translation:
China's Steam users exceed 30 million - reports an overseas analyst.

Daniel Ahmad, an analyst from Niko Partners,
revealed that Steam users in China exceeded 30 million.  

Ahmad said, the increase in popularity of Steam in China arose from the success of "DOTA 2,"
which may see increase of localized titles in China, introduction of regional prices,
and the consideration of regional payment methods,
he also comments about the support of various currently non-playable titles
(translator’s note: "Monster Hunter: World" etc. coming in the near future).
As we (Game*Spark) reported the other day,
examples of the recent big hit titles that only support Chinese are "Scroll of Taiwu" and "Chinese Parents" which sold over 600, 000 units.
It seems that Chinese indie developers who are seeking success are heading over to Steam.

However, the Great Firewall continues to block the use of the Steam community function.
Valve, the company that runs Steam, announced 完美世界(Perfect World) and the congruent "Steam China" (Steam for China),
but there will be no further information about those services in this article.

In China, there are still regulations for online game distribution on domestic markets.
If this situation persists, Chinese game makers and, Chinese users,
looking for ways of escape through usage of various VPN services (although banned by Valve's terms of service),
may very well increase.



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