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The mayor of Shibuya announced a message, in regards to Halloween on the 31st, in response to uproar, saying, “I feel great resentment.”

Below is an article about the social problems in the Shibuya Ward of Japan.
The ward mayor has made his opinions known regarding the noise, littering
and other disturbances in the designated areas for the Halloween festival this year.
Scroll down for the original article (Japanese), language deconstruction,
and English translation (translated by me).

Thanks for reading. I hope you do well with your Japanese  study. Please share and comment,

Original Article Text:





Original Article Link:

Deconstruction of the Language used in the Article:
一連の騒動 a series of disturbances (uproar)
憤り いきどおり
複数の逮捕者 ふくすうのたいほしゃ
騒音 そうおん noise, disturbance
混乱 こんらん confusion
状態 じょうたい condition
盛り上がり もりあがり excitement, climax, uprush
集まる あつまる collect, gather 集まった (past tense)
集団 しゅうだん gathering of people, group gathering
現状 げんじょう present condition
違反 いはん violation
誇れる ほこれる to boast/be proud of 街を誇れる
努力 どりょく great effort
踏みにじる ふみにじる trample on
到底 とうてい (cannot) possibly, no matter how
安心 あんしん relief, peace of mind, security
安全 あんぜん safety, security
賑わい にぎわい prosperity, activity, crowd

English Translation:
The mayor of Shibuya announced a message, in regards to Halloween on the 31st, in response to uproar, saying, “I feel great resentment.”
In addition to the noise and littering, there was confusion from multiple arrests that came about.

On October 29th, Hasebe Ken the mayor of Shibuya Ward, published a comment titled,
"Request for Halloween on October 31," on the site.

Shibuya Ward Halloween festival, that it holds every year, is coming to a big climax,
but the noise and littering from the groups who gather in Shibuya are becoming a social problem.
People gathered on the Saturday (27th) and Sunday (28th) before Halloween too,
leading to a confusion from multiple arrests.

Hasebe, the mayor of the city, said, "I am feeling very angry" "(those who do violate Rules and
Manners) love Shibuya and those who have no desire to be proud of this city" .

Hasebe, the mayor of the ward, said, “I feel great resentment,” and strongly criticized,
“(those who violate the rules and manners) those who don't love Shibuya,
and those who have no desire to be proud of this city.” Furthermore,
“there are also a lot whom love Shibuya and those who are showing efforts to show how proud
they are of this city. The series of acts trampling on those people's efforts can't be tolerated.

Hasebe wrote, "The balance between safety, security and prosperity of the city is an important
responsibility for a person at the top of local government. Unfortunately there is no silver bullet that
can solve this problem overnight, but with strong determination we will strive for a solution,”
and also commented, “Let's strive to attain a sound, and fun experience within the designated area
for the Halloween festival, without nuisances, and please keep to the regulations, keep good manners
and morale.”



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